Friday, December 4, 2009


Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society

`Imagine women talking in whispers, with their hand over their mouth. Think back to the time when African Americans were treated like they were worthless. In the 1800s women did not have the same rights or power as the men did, and Africans Americans were told what to do and if they didn't follow directionns they were beaten. Until 1833 when the first female abolition group started in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society helped expand the rights of women all nationalities and African Americans.

Life for Women in the 1800s

In the 1800s women were different than women today, they were expected to be the typical housewife cook, clean, take care of the children and to please their husbands. “Women were considered unequal to their male companions legally and socially” ( If there was a election taking place only the men were allowed to vote, not women. It was discrimination, but the nineteenth amendment for discrimination against sex wasn’t made until over a century later. The nineteenth amendment states “The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the Untied States or any state on account of sex”.. Even though the Constitution really made no law for women rights, to vote , it was said by the society that women women just didn’t have the right (U.S.

Life for African Americans in the 1800s

Life in the 1800s for African Americans was hard for them, they lived day by day. "Thousands of African Americans worked against their will every day on sugar and cotton plantations. "Even when the government stepped in and abolished the importation of enslaved Africans, the ban was widely ignored. Between 1808-1860 approximately 250,000 African American slaves were illegally imported into the United States "( When African Americans gained some freedom they were left without money, education and no place to go. It even got as far as to blacks can’t walk into a certain store" (

How the PFASS began

In 1832 a man named William Lloyd Garrison born December 10, 1805 in Newburyport, MA (nnbd,com), was inspired by the ideas of several female activists including Lucreta Mott (Spartacus Education). He then decided to help Lucreta Mott start the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society known as the PFASS, because he felt as though women can help end slavery too. "By 1833 they had began to be known as the first female abolitionist group in Philadelphia. Also the organization was serving as a model for scores of other female abolitionist groups and catalyzing the nascent women’s right movement" (

Public Ledgers

Having fairs would help them spread the news to the public and raising money. At the fairs the women would show their traditional skills by hand making goods and selling them or auctioning them off. The women would also make refreshments, give each other information and literature in a clam and social environment. A festival to remember is on January 17, 1867, the wind and the snow made it hard to continue with the festival, but the PFASS festival was a great success. That same day, PFASS members joined a convention for universal equal rights at the Franklin Institute (

The next step for the society was, working on women rights. "So PFASS member Angelina Grimke Weld stated, “I want to be identified with the Negro until he gets his rights, we shall never have ours.” Some members of the PFASS also felt that the authority of black suffrage would be reinforced by female suffrage. Robert Purvis, black and male, even claimed that he would stop his right to vote until his wife, could do the same. In 1870 the fifth tenth Amendment was past giving African Americans the right to vote" ( The fifth tenth Amendment says,” The right of citizenship of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on the account of race, color or previous condition of servitude” ( "The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society were excited to see African Americans rights expand but still waited for the day to come when woman would have the rights they deserved" (


Effects that the PFASS had/has torward the World

It took many years to get the right to vote and citizenship for African Americans. Much patients came with the work they put in to be an activist. They kept trying and trying. The women from the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society even took their own rights away to show that they will do anything to have equal rights. The PFASS did not have a immediate effect but it gave many women across the world confidence to stand up for their selves.

The long term change that happened as a result of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society is the unity between the people today. We now can all vote as long as you’re a citizen ( Women today talk and address the same issues that men do without being pitied upon by the community. African Americans are allowed to walk amoung us receive a education like everybody else. They can vote and even run for president like Barack Obama if they would like. The most important step that we need to continue taking is working together and being patient it can take a century or more to see a change happen.

The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society assisted women and African Americans with their rights and they also assisted us with coming together. So in the next twenty years you can watch your love one grow old and do the things they love, and watch the world become a better place for everybody.. Look around you, you can see the change now, we have the first African American President that’s never happened before and wouldn’t be able to happen if we lived in a time like the 1800s. Lastly, ask your self if you want to be apart of that change going on around you, if you want to go out in your neighborhood and make sure your peers know what’s going on around them, because remember anybody can make a change.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


In my paper i will describe what the PFASS is and what they did and who invented the society. In my paper I want to focus on women rights because not only were they actvists but they were women all race.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

project titles

The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society : Fighting for the rights of womenz

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Primary Source
This image shows women in the movement.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Primary Sources

Antislavery, Books Pamphlets & Newspapers

A Brief History of the Anti-Slavery Collection
Founded in 1833, Oberlin's early supporters, students, and settlers actively pursued the Christian ideals of men like Charles Grandison Finney and William Lloyd Garrison. Oberlin College was the first co-educational institution in the United States, as well as the most influential of the early institutions that admitted African-Americans. The town was major stop on the Underground Railroad. Oberlin College has, and continues to embrace many social and political causes, and the foremost among these was the crusade to end slavery in the United States.

During the years 1838–1840, travelers to England made appeals to British anti-slavery sentiment and collected books for the school's fledgling library. Their trip was marvelously successful, and among the 2000 or so volumes they brought back with them were several British books arguing against slavery representing the oldest portion of our collection.

When the Spear Library building opened in 1885, the librarian, Rev. Henry Matson, recognizing the role which Oberlin had played in the abolitionist struggle, made an appeal to local residents for anti-slavery literature.

It is proposed to make in the college library an anti-slavery collection, complete as possible, for the future historian, in which shall be gathered every book, every pamphlet, every report, every tract, every newspaper, and every private letter on the subject. For such a collection nothing is unimportant. Scattered here and there these documents are all but worthless, but gathered in one collection they would be priceless. (Oberlin Weekly News, Feb. 29, 1884)

Among the generous contributions made at this time was the original draft of the Anti-Slavery Declaration of 1833 in the handwriting of William Lloyd Garrison. In 1931/32 Geraldine Hopkins Hubbard compiled a catalog of the Anti-Slavery Collection of which published copies and later appendices are available in Special Collections. In 1968, the Lost Cause Press in Louisville, Kentucky, realizing the national importance of Oberlin's holdings, made the entire collection available in a microcard edition, which is also available for use in the Oberlin College Library. The set is now on microfiche cards available from Primary Source Media.

Scope of the Collection
The Anti-Slavery Collection now consists of around 2500 or more items, most of which have been cataloged and so can be searched using the online catalog. In the collection you will find:

• Anti-slavery societies' documents: annual reports, addresses, and publications. Books, pamphlets, and other documents outlining the moral, religious, economic, and legal aspects of the slavery debate.

• Travelers' observations of slavery.

• Slave narratives — autobiographical, biographical, and fictional.

• Biographies of leaders of the anti-slavery movement.

• Children's literature.

• Poetry, songs, anthologies, and gift books.

• Newspapers and periodicals, including The Abolitionist, The American Anti-Slavery Reporter, The Emancipator and Republican, The Gerrit Smith Banner, The Liberator, Liberty, and many others.

• Political works, including documents related to the Missouri Compromise, the Fugitive Slave Law, the Kansas-Nebraska Controversy; party propaganda; and speeches made in and out of Congress.

• Some pro-slavery literature.

• Ephemera, including bills of sale for slaves, manumission papers, slave shackles, etc.

Gravestone of Lee Howard Dobbins
One of the most compelling artifacts in Special Collections is a gravestone of a four year old escaped slave. In March of 1853, a slave woman named Miriam arrived in Oberlin from Kentucky, with her entire family—her children and grandchildren and a sickly four-year-old foster child named Lee Howard Dobbins. Miriam had fled her master in a desperate attempt to save her daughters, whom she had learned were going to be sold.

By the time they arrived in Oberlin, little Lee Howard was extremely ill. Miriam and the rest of her family couldn't afford to wait for his convalescence — since she and her family were the only slaves their master owned, he was no doubt in hot and angry pursuit. A family in Oberlin promised to care for the child, and Miriam and her children were safely delivered to Canada, where her brother was awaiting them.

Lee Howard Dobbins died of consumption a week later. The whole town mourned his death — a thousand people were reportedly crammed into First Church for his funeral, where all grieved not only the loss of this child, but the horrors of slavery. The collection at the funeral was used to buy this gravestone for him.

The stone has weathered badly, and so it was put in the Oberlin College Library Special Collections for safekeeping in 1938. The Inscription reads:

Let Slavery perish!
a fugitive Slave orphan.
brought here by an
adopted mother in her
flight for liberty
MAR. 17, 1853
left here wasted with
consumption, found
a refuge in death
MAR. 26, 1853
Aged 4 Years
Related Material in the Oberlin College Archive
Among the rather extensive mid-nineteenth century documents held by the Oberlin College Archives are papers relating to the anti-slavery movement and Black education. These documents are of both an institutional and a non-institutional nature.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Philadelphia Female Society

Maria Diaz
National History Day
Topic Selection Essay
November 24, 2009

Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society

`Imagine women talking in whispers, with their hand over their mouth. Think back to the time when African Americans were treated like they were worthless. In the 1800s women did not have the same rights or power as the men did Africans Americans were told what to do and they didn't follow they were beaten. Until 1833 when the first female abolition group started in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society helped expand the rights of women all nationalities and African Americans.

In the 1800s women were expected to be the typical housewife cook, clean, take care of the children and to please their husbands. “Women were considered unequal to their male companions legally and socially” (123helpmen). If there was a election taking place only the men were allowed to vote, not women. It was discrimination, but the nineteenth amendment for discrimination against sex wasn’t made until over a century later. The nineteenth amendment states “The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the Untied States or any state on account of sex”(U.S. Constitution). Even though the Constitution really made no law for women rights, to vote , it was said by the society that women women just didn’t have the right (U.S. Constitution).

Life in the 1800s for African Americans was hard for them just living day by day. Thousands of African Americans worked against their will every day on sugar and cotton plantations (). Even when the government stepped in and abolished the importation of enslaved Africans, the ban was widely ignored. Between 1808-1860 approximately 250,000 African American slaves were illegally imported into the United States (libertinage). When African Americans gain some freedom they were left without money, education and no place to go. It even got as far as to blacks can’t walk into a certain store (libertinage).

In 1832 a man named William Lloyd Garrison born December 10, 1805 in Newburyport, MA (nnbd), was inspired by the ideas of several female activists including Lucreta Mott (Spartacus Education). He then decided to help Lucreta Mott start the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society known as the PFASS, because he felt as though women can help end slavery too. By 1833 they had began to be known as the first female abolitionist group in Philadelphia. Also the organization was serving as a model for scores of other female abolitionist groups and catalyzing the nascent women’s right movement (hsp).

Having fairs would help them spread the news to the public and raising money. At the fairs the women would show their traditional skills by hand making goods and selling them or auctioning them off. The women would also make refreshments, give each other information and literature in a clam and social environment. A festival to remember is on January 17, 1867, the wind and the snow made it hard to continue with the festival, but the PFASS festival was a great success. That same day, PFASS members joined a convention for universal equal rights at the Franklin Institute(HSP).

The next step for the society was working on women rights. So PFASS member Angelina Grimke Weld stated, “I want to be identified with the Negro until he gets his rights, we shall never have ours.” Some members of the PFASS also felt that the authority of black suffrage would be reinforced by female suffrage. Robert Purvis, black and male, even claimed that he would stop his right to vote until his wife, could do the same. In 1870 the fifth tenth Amendment was past giving African Americans the right to vote (HSP). The fifth teenth Amendment says,” The right of citizenship of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on the account of race, color or previous condition of servitude” (infoplease). The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society were excited to see African Americans rights expand but still waited for the day to come when woman would have the rights they deserved.

It took many years to get the right to vote and citizenship for African Americans. Much patients came with the wok they put in to be an activist. They kept trying and trying, the women from the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society even took their own rights away to show that they will do anything to have equal rights. The PFASS did not have a immediate effect but it gave many women across the world confidence to stand up for their selves.

The long term change that happened as a result of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society is the unity between the people today. We now can all vote as long as you’re a citizen. Women today talk and address the same issues that men do without being pitied upon by the community. African Americans are allowed to walk amoung us receive a education like everybody else. They can vote and even run for president like Barack Obama if they would like. The most important step that we need to continue taking is working together and being patient it can take a century or more to see a change happen.

The Philadelphia Female Anti Slavery Society assisted women and African Americans with their rights and they also assisted us with coming together. So in the next twenty years you can watch you love one grow old and do the things they love. Watch the world become a better place everyday. Look around you, you can see the change now we have the first African American President that’s never happened before and wouldn’t be able to happen if we lived in a time like the 1800s.Lastly, ask your self if you want to be apart of that change going on around you, if you want to go out in your neighborhood and make sure your peers know what’s going on around them, because remember anybody can make a change.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Philadelphiia Female Anti-Slavery Society

Imagine women talking in whispers with their hands over their mouth. Imagine African Americans being told what to do by the white man. Majority of the women in the 1800s wereIn the 1800s women did not have the chance to speak the way men did. Their words did not count they spoke in whispers. Until William Garison thought that women should be allowed to help free slaves as well. So he created the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society with the help of Lucreata Mott. The Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society helped expand the rights of women and African Americans.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Imagine women talking in whispers with their hands over their mouth. Imagine African Americans being told what to do by the white man. Majority of the women in the 1800s were

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society

In the 1800s women did not have the chance to speak the way men did. Their words did not count they spoke in whispers. Until William Garison thought that women should be allowed to help free slaves as well. So he created the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society with the help of Lucreata Mott.

Monday, November 16, 2009


In the 1800s women did not have the chance to speak the way men did. Their words did not count they spoke in whispers. Until William Garison thought that women should be allowed to help free slaves as well. So he created the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society with the help of Lucreata Mott.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NHD Research,

Friday, November 6, 2009


The world is the way is the it is now because of Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. Women are now able to speak their mind and do the same things that men do. If it wasnt fot the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society us women would still have no sya in anything.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

nhd Annotations

Friday, October 23, 2009

easy bib

"Primary Sources." Ed. HSP. Web.

Public Ledger, December 14, 1858." Public Ledger, December 14, 1858. Web. .

"Report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society Committee of the." Report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society Committee of the. Web.

Behind the Marker." Web. 1992. .

"Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society" Waymark." Web. 01 Jan. 1992.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Primary Sources." Ed. HSP. Web.
This website gave me information and pictures of events and documents of how much money was spent to start the association.

Monday, October 19, 2009

nhd Project

In 1831 the first female anti slavery was made in boston the document doesn't 

Friday, October 9, 2009

nhd Project

The fair was held in the large saloon of the Assembly Buildings, on the 18th, 19th, 

20th, 21st and 22d of December, 1849. 

 The Receipts were   $1576  86 

                 Expenses   “        350  60 


               Balance                     $1226  26 

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I found the actual documents for the female anti slavery.

I found alot of primary sources on PFASS like documents

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What is your topic?
My topic Is Philadelphia Female Anti slavery society.

When was your innovation invented or thought of?
It was thought of by William Lloyd Garrison in 1832.

What was happening in the country/world at that time (social, political, economic)

Monday, October 5, 2009

What i did today

Today I visited these sites
Evolution in Quarkerism in 18 and 19 century on slavery
Talked to Mr. Brasof  about changing my nhd topic and told me to look back to resorce paper he gave us.

The Roots of Quaker Belief
The Religious Society of Friends, commonly called “Friends” or “Quakers,” began in England around 1650 following the vision of a young Englishman, George Fox. Fox believed in the existance of “the Light within”—a spark of the Divine which resides in every person regardless of social status or origin. Fox led his followers to eschew the ritual and outward symbols of traditional Christian worship, so that they might “wait upon the Lord” in silence. This expectant waiting in silence is the core of the Quaker worship service, called the Meeting for Worship. Friends believe that by waiting in such a manner a person becomes able to receive direct communication with God and that intervention by specially trained clergy or use of specific ceremonies is therefore unnecessary.

Of the many followers of George Fox who influenced Quaker thought and ideas in the United States, perhaps the best known is William Penn, who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1681. The organization of the Society of Friends differs from that of most religions in that there is no central authority or body which governs and dictates the beliefs or practices of its members. Decision making and policy originate at the local level (the individual “Monthly Meetings,” of which Midcoast Meeting is one) and flow up from there to regional and national bodies. Within Monthly Meetings, emphasis is placed on individual responsibility and group process. In all decision making, Friends labor together to reach “the sense of the Meeting,” a point somewhere beyond consensus, in which all are united in the decision to be taken. The work of the Meeting, both pastoral and practical, is done by committees on which all members and active attenders are encouraged to serve on a rotating basis. While Friends adhere to no strict doctrine or theology, Quaker groups traditionally have published extensive ‘guides’ for the conduct of individual lives and our practices as organized Quaker groups. Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends is one such guide.

Quakerism is based on the values and life of Jesus and in the mystical and personal experience of the Divine within each individual. The Quaker belief in “that of God in every person” guides all aspects of life; our gatherings together for worship, the activities of our individual daily lives, and the use of our time and material resources. This Quaker concept of the Iinner Light, God, or the Holy Spirit which is present in all persons, is fundamental to our social attitudes, humanitarian service activities, political or civil engagement, and treatment of others. Our lives can become a testimony to our religious beliefs


Your Type is 
Strength of the preferences %

1. What is your type? What do those letters stand for and what do they mean? Example- I am a ENTP- an Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver 
   My type is ESFJ and E stands for Extraverted S stands for Sensing F stands for feelings and J stands for judging.

2. What was the strength of each preference?

I or E = 56%
S or N = 25 %
F or T= 25 %
J or P =  44 %

3. What does the Butt and Heiss type description call you? Ex: Clever professor
The Butt and Heiss called me a Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.

What are 5 personality traits common to your type? Ex; ENTPs are quick witted, love to argue, innovative/ingenius, problem solvers, optimist, but gets frustrated by small obstacles.
My five personalities are enjoy being in charge, easily wounded, good sense of right and wrong, dds with self is a remarkable sight. ense danger all around--germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws.

5. What 3 famous people share your type?
EX. Michaelango, Walt Disney, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison share my type

People who got the same personality is Martin Luther King, Eleanor Roosevelt, Desi Arnaz, Elvis Stojko (figure skater Olympic champion)

6. What are three careers that are good for your type?
Natural sciences, high school education, and computer science are all good careers for my type. As a high school computer teacher, I have to agree!

Public Administration   
Hotel & Restaurant Management
Sales/Marketing Specialist   
Fashion Merchandising

Thursday, September 24, 2009

  • What was the innovation called? My groups innovation is called The Move. 
  • When was it adopted or developed?The first Move was developed in 1972.
  • Who was involved, or, in other words, who were the innovators who created, designed, or implemented the innovation?John Africa and Donald Glassey were innovators who designed the Move in Philadelphia.
  • What benefits did it provide, and to whom? 
  • How was it received? 
  • What is “in History”? What else was happening in that time and place that allowed the innovation?
  • How has the innovation changed over time? How have our thoughts about it changed?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

National Histoy Day!!!!

  • What was the innovation called?
  • Penicillin
  • When was it adopted or developed?
  • Antibiotics are a relatively recent discovery and the first practical one, penicillin, was not available until the early 1940s.
  • Who was involved, or, in other words, who were the innovators who created, designed, or implemented the innovation?
  • Sir Alexander Fleming was a british scientist who discovered it in 1928.
  • What benefits did it provide, and to whom?
  • It benefited Martie and it allowed her not to feel any pain during her surgery.
  • How was it received?
  • doctor he or she is called the anesthetist their face with a cloth and tell them to start counting. Then the doctor would give them a couple of drops onto the cloth and ask them to start counting.a

  • What is “in History”? What else was happening in that time and place that allowed the innovation?
  • Fleming discovered penecillin in 1928 when he noticed mold growing in a lab dish a common bacteria.
  • How has the innovation changed over time? How have our thoughts about it changed?
  • The innovation of penecillin has changed over time because now we get penecillin from a needle or pills. It also ha changed the way we think because about it because now we can just go to the doctors and get it from him but back in the day people where dyeing because they did not have the penecillin.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1. What is your type? What do those letters stand for and what do they mean? Example- I am a ENTP- an Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver
Extraverted means outgoing, Intuitive means.... etc

3. What does the Keirsey description call you? Ex. ENTP are inventors
According to Keirsey description are usually supervisors.

3. What does the Butt and Heiss type description call you? Ex: Clever professor
The Butt and Heiss type is a guardian provider.

4. What are 5 personality traits common to your type? Ex; ENTPs are quick witted, love to argue, innovative/ingenius, problem solvers, optimist, but gets frustrated by small obstacles.

5. What 3 famous people share your type?
EX. Michaelango, Walt Disney, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison share my type

6. What are three careers that are good for your type?
Natural sciences, high school education, and computer science are all good careers for my type. As a high school computer teacher, I have to agree!

7. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree because I love to argue a point, and I consider myself innovative and clever. However, I think that I am more feeling than thinking, so I don't agree 100%

8. Add any additional comments or questions.
I learned a lot about what type of person I am, but where can I go to learn about other types?

What is And How Does it affect You

Personality to is some things that you do that make you yourself.

It does effect my behavior and my train of thought because if I was shy I would be nervous to stand and do something in front of people and would probably drop my grade a little.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Three Amendments I Would Create

The first amendment i would make is the freedom of student government.
Second the right to create special days for school.
Third the right to eat in class.

Bill of Rights

1. What is the Bill of Rights? 

2. Which 3 of the 10 are most important to you and why?

3. How have our rights changed over the past 200 years?

4. What rights are missing from the Bill of Rights? What would you add and why?

5. Are there rights that we don't need or that you don't agree with? Which would you take away and why?

6. Class Activity- Create a Class Bill of Rights

It's a document that gives us freedom.
I like the freedom of religion the right of protest and the right to bare arms.
I would add the freedom of government because some people are not allowed to enforce laws now.
I agree with all the bill of rights because it is pretty fare. 
The bill of rights have changed because we were once not allowed to protest so we just had to suck it up.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Celebrity Look Alikes

 My thoughts about judging a book by it's cover is that I don't think it's fair to judge somebody by the way they look.

What My Parents Think About The United States!!!!

My homework for September 10, 2009 was to talk to someone at home about what they think about the United States. I decided to ask my mom this question to see what she would say. Her response was what a I think any citizen in the United States would agree on that she loves the fact that we have the freedom of speech but hates to pay the large lump some of money called taxes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Proverb: Fortune favours the brave
Meaning: People favor the brave

I can relate this to our discussion about the war because when our soldiers come home they are respected for their bravery for fighting.


Afghan Proverbs
A good year is determined by its spring.
Meaning: You notice how the year is going to turn out in the beginning.

I chose this proverb because I recently noticed in high school that it was going to be a awesome experience !!!! I can relate this proverb to our discussion because people from other countries because they notice that the education is not very good so they know that there child will not reciever good education.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All About Me!!!!!!

Hey everbody it's me Maria, yeah for you older kids the freshmen. Just greated a eblog and messing around with it. Well now you guys know my name is Maria, I'm fourteen and born and raised in North Philadelphia. I love to hang out with friends and go to the movies on Saturday. So if anybody wants to get to know me just come and talk to me I promise I don't bite.